Autores: Diana Gómez-Barroso, Teresa López-Cuadrado, Alicia Llácera, Rocío Palmera Suárez, y Rafael Fernández-Cuenca.
Enlace / Link
you have a link to a geocoding and analysis of accidents with
fatalities in peninsular Spain. It is a pity, but they did not
include in the study neither the Canary Islands nor the Balearic
Islands, in any case, it is another point of view in the use of the
GIS tools, this time, based on the analysis of the average index Of
the nearest neighbor, later combined with the estimation of the
Kernel density, based on the average distance observed in the average
index of the nearest neighbor.
Diana Gómez-Barroso, Teresa López-Cuadrado, Alicia Llacera, Rocío
Palmera Suárez, and Rafael Fernández-Cuenca.